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Festival de Marseille

A caring Festival

The Cultural Charter
Special 1 € tickets

Underprivileged or disabled visitors can benefit from this scheme offering cut-price admission to all the shows on the Festival de Marseille programme.
If you’re underprivileged or disabled or work in the social services, education or healthcare, please contact us to obtain these special tickets and to access the free mediation programmes provided by the Festival’s audience outreach team.
Created in 2009 in partnership with ARTE, the Festival de Marseille Cultural charter is supported by seven local councils in Marseille and the City Council’s Office for the Disabled.

Contact : rp4 (at) - 04 91 99 02 53

Partnership with La Cloche

Promoting the inclusion of the homeless

Festival-goers are invited to make a donation of their choice when they purchase their tickets. 75% of these donations go to the charity La Cloche  while 25 % help to provide tickets to children as part of the Cultural Charter.
La Cloche promotes the inclusion of homeless people and aims to change public perceptions of homelessness by encouraging community initiatives involving local residents, shopkeepers and homeless people.

Partnership with Navire Avenir

The Navire Avenir is a pioneering tool for rescue and care on the high seas, the first vessel in a worldwide fleet. It is a "really-made for the 21st century" designed to support the work of rescue sailors and contribute to their recognition as part of humanity's intangible cultural heritage. It's a work in progress, and we're all invited to contribute to it on the Navire Avenir platform.

Partnership with SOS Méditerranée

For non-discriminatory sea rescue

SOS Méditerranée is a European association whose members are determined to take action against the tragedies taking place in the Mediterranean thanks to the rescue ship Ocean Viking and land-based initiatives carried out by a network of volunteers.

The Festival supports SOS MÉDITERRANÉE.

And also...