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Festival de Marseille

A Rite of Spring with 300 inhabitants from Marseille!

A real celebration of dance, a Rite of Spring large format for 300 amateur dancers from Marseille which will be presented at Parc Borely on June 15 and 16.

In Marseille, groups of participants from dance schools, sports associations, choirs... coming from horizons as diverse as flamenco, hip-hop or neo-classical will meet for several months to create their own interpretation of Igor Stravinsky's famous composition, under the direction of three dancers / choreographers: Samir M'Kirech, Isabelle Cavoit and Yendi Nammour.

These creations will then be assembled to compose a large choreographic ensemble, a "giga" Rite of Spring presented this summer during the Festival.


Participants :

Acento Flamenco Flamenco Akdemia del Tango Tango and Argentine folklore Association DANZA Contemporary dance Atelier KG/asso compagnie reveil / Les studios du cours Traditionnal and contemporary Oriental dance Centre Social del Rio Modern jazz Collège Louis Aragon Contemporary dance workshop Collège Fraissinet Contemporary dance workshop Cré-Scène 13 Hip-hop Ecole Eugène Cas school group Integrated dance groups with Andrew Graham Contemporary dance Groupe mix-ability Contemporary dance Jeune ballet urbain de marseille / assoc. BDPC Contemporary physical dance D12 / Parlez-vous corps ? Toutes disciplines contemporaines, modern jazz, hip-hop Popping group with Jikay Hip-hop SANNOM (Seniors) Contemporary dance Groupe Pablo Picasso with Cécile David Jazz

And also...