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Festival de Marseille


Lars Von Trier


Denmark, Germany, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain l 1991 I VOST I duration: 113'


October 1945. Léopold Kessler, a German-born American whose parents fled from the Nazis, comes back to his father's country to take part in the reconstruction work. Employed as a sleeping car conductor by the Zentropa railway company, he was to discover love and his own contradictions in a country destroyed and divided just after the war. Seen as the most expressionistic film by the great Danish director, Europa was awarded the Jury Prize and the Superior Technical Film Commission Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

Where ?
L'Alcazar - BMVR

58, cours Belsunce, 1er

tel. 04 91 55 90 00

Métro - 1 arrêt Colbert, 2 arrêt Noailles

Bus 70 arrêt Canebière Bourse

Tram 1 arrêt Noailles, 2, 3 arrêt Belsunce Alcazar

• Bus de nuit - 509, 518, 540 arrêt Canebière Bourse

Vélo Station Centre Bourse

Parking Centre Bourse (en face de la bibliothèque)


Admission free while seats last

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