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Festival de Marseille


Christine Fricker

Christine Fricker revisits a playful concept: 1 number = 1 instruction. A group of dancers randomly throw numbers and follow the rules associated with them.   



Fuelled by the democratic ideas of American Postmodern Dance and the utopianism of egalitarian communities of the 1960s and 1970s, this show deals with the question of the engagement of the body and the responsibility of all of us in the way commonality is created.




Practical information


Duration about 30'


Free entrance

Book !


Distribution : Jérôme Beaufils, Yoann Boyer, Aude Cartoux, Marie Close, Louis-Clément da Costa, Mathias Delon, Eleonore Evrard, Damien Gault, Hélène Laty, Pauline Lavergne, Louise Madeline, Emmanuelle Quintane, Sabrina Regnier

Crédit photo Compagnie Itinérrances