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Festival de Marseille



dance music French Premiere

New York / Bagdad


Iraqi-American musician Amir ElSaffar joins forces with a dancer and three musicians to create a world of sound on the fringes of the well-trodden paths of flamenco. Luminescence shows how radiant and transcendent music can be.

Luminescence is a highly appropriate title for this show by the composer, trumpetist, singer and santur player Amir ElSaffar. In the subtle micro-intervals of Arabic maqâm and flamenco, in the swirling compas, the profound duende and the ecstatic twarab, Amir ElSaffar “looks for the sound that arises from our eternal ancient past, which is nevertheless in the present moment, where personal experience is equal to a wider awareness”. This experience is shared by his new partners: the singer Gema Caballero with her crystalline voice, the young rising star of contemporary flamenco Vanesa Aibar, the percussionnist Pablo Martin Jones with his endless palette of sounds, the composer Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch with his sharp sensitivity to the relationships between sound, gesture and space, and the musician Dena ElSaffar, who plays a range of instruments.


Practical information


Duration 75'

Where ?
Vieille Charité

2, rue de la Charité, 2e

tel. 04 91 14 58 80

Métro - 2 arrêt Joliette

Tram - 2, 3 arrêt Sadi Carnot

Bus - 42 arrêt La Major

Vélo - station La Major

Parking - Charité Tringance


Full price 28€
Concession 24€
Under 26 10€
Under 12 5€

Book !


Composition, trompette, santour, chant, direction artistique Amir EISaffar Voix flamenca Gema Caballero Alto, joza Dena EISaffar Électronique Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch Percussions Pablo Martin Jones Danse Vanesa Aibar Son Vincent Mahey - Studio Sextan Crédit photo Foppe Schut

Résidence de création Fondation Royaumont Coproduction Fondation Royaumont ; Flamenco Biënnale Nederland (Pays-Bas) Soutien Sacem  Mécénat du Groupe ADP, de la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso et de Enedis.

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