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Festival de Marseille

Wrong Elements

Jonathan Littell


2016 | France, Germany, Belgium

Kidnapped as teenagers, Geofrey, Nighty, Mike and Lapisa were forced to join a violent rebel movement opposing the Ugandan government. Today they try to rebuild their lives and return to the places that marked their stolen childhood. Both victims and executioners, witnesses and perpetrators of acts over which they had no control, they are still Wrong Elements that society is reluctant to accept.

Practical information


Duration 133'

OV with French subtitles


Coproduction Wrong Men, Zero One Film, avec la participation de Canal+, Arte/BR, RTBF, Voo/Be tv, Le Pacte, CNC, Filmförderungsanstalt, Medienboard Berlin-Brandeburg, CCA de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

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