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Festival de Marseille

Nafaq 4: Extending Further


dance European Premiere

This compelling, captivating piece by the Cairo-based all-woman collective Nafaq reveals the creative energy of a new generation of Egyptian performers. It deftly combines different styles of hip-hop and contemporary dance in an exploration of space and human relationships, holding our gaze and pulling no punches.

Hanin Tarek and Amina Abouelghar share a passion for movement and dance. Graduates of the MAAT/Cairo Contemporary Dance Center, they founded the Nafaq collective with the desire to merge a wide variety of styles and to escape any attempt at categorisation. The evocative power of their work has already earned them a place at numerous festivals including L’Alternativa in Barcelona, Fass Forward in Canada, Go Short in the Netherlands. In Marseille will be performing the European premiere of Nafaq 4: Extending Further, a short virtuoso piece that showcases their complementarity. Bathed in an almost magical darkness, Nafaq embrace the space, blend into it, intertwine and drift apart in a series of movements that are sometimes jerky and sequenced and sometimes lingering and all-enveloping. Merging or mirroring one another, they ride electro rhythms and ethereal music with the same precision, submerged by a haunting wave of sound that echoes their intimate embrace.

Première en Europe

Practical information

Duration: 30'

Age: 12 and over

Where ?
KLAP Maison pour la Danse

 Carsharing available here from June 3 

5, avenue Rostand, 3e

tel. 04 96 11 11 20

Métro - 2 arrêt National

Bus - 31, 32, 89 arrêt National Loubon

Bus de nuit - 530, 533 arrêt National Loubon

Vélo - station National-Belle de Mai

Parking - Zenpark Villette-Roger Salengro


Price €10

Book !


Creation 2022

Concept : Amina Abouelghar, Hanin Tarek
Light Design : Saber El Sayed

Photography © Ziad Hassan, Grégoire Verbeke, Mostafa Abdel Aty

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