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Festival de Marseille

Anda, Diana

Diana Niepce


Anda, Diana (Walk, Diana) sounds like a challenge! Lisbon-based artist Diana Niepce, who was paralysed after a serious accident, turned her reconstruction into a creative force, rediscovering a dancing body. In a dialogue between body and mind, logic and chaos, her performance is a profound autobiographical journey that raises the question of non-normative bodies in the arts.

Diana Niepce's long journey towards reclaiming her body takes the form of a trio. This long process of self-affirmation, of her difference, of her disability, became the subject of a book published in 2021, and then of a dance work: Anda, Diana. A tender piece for three different bodies and three different characters, hovering between attraction and repulsion, letting-go and resistance, with impressive and complex acrobatic lifts. At the heart of this "struggle," Diana Niepce always leads the dance and exudes great power as her fragile body is manipulated and set in motion. She succeeded in finding herself in the body of the other, "in the secret agreement that made her body a storyteller," exploring gravity through patterns of constraints and forces and release techniques. She evokes the extensions of the body, bringing different bodies together. It's not about suffering here but redemption and vital momentum: it's a way of investigating the fragility of being. Anda, Diana challenges the norms associated with the body, making the non-normative body into something revolutionary.

Practical information

Duration: 50'

Age: 12 and over

Warning: nudity

Where ?
La Criée - National Theater of Marseille

 Carsharing available here from June 3

30, quai de Rive Neuve, 7e

tel. 04 91 54 70 54

Métro 1 arrêt Vieux-Port

Bus - 82, 82s, 83 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

• Bus de nuit - 583 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

Vélo Station Place aux Huiles

Parking Indigo, Vieux-Port-La Criée 


Price €10

Book !


Creation 2021

Artistic Direction : Diana Niepce
Performers Diana Niepce, Bartosz Ostrowski, Joãozinho da Costa
Dramaturgic Support : Rui Catalão
Light Design : Carlos Ramos
Sound Design : Gonçalo Alegria
Costumes Design : Silvana Ivaldi
Management : Patrícia Soares
Head of Production Filipe MeteloHouse of Production : Produção d’Fusão
and As Niepces Coproduction TBA – Teatro do Bairro Alto
Coproduction Residency O Espaço do TempoSupport Direção Geral das Artes / Ministério da Cultura, Biblioteca Municipal de Marvila/ Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Embaixada da Polónia em Portugal, Adam Mickiewicz Institute

Photography © Alípio Padilha

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