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Festival de Marseille


From 14 February to 1 September 2018, dates in Arles, Aubagne, Cassis, Istres, Marseille, Martigues, Miramas, and Salon-de-Provence.

A proclamation of passion for the arts, the artists, and the entire area, MP2018, Quel Amour! is the rendezvous for culture and festivities in 2018. Street parties, exhibitions, artistic residencies, distinctive happenings both in cities and out in nature, installations, theatre, opera, concerts, contemporary dance, circus…

Quel Amour! will be a rolling celebration of the arts in Provence from Marseille to Martigues and from Aubagne to Arles, passing through Istres, Miramas, and Salon-de-Provence along the way… The area’s cultural organisations, theatres, festivals, and museums have all seized the opportunity to program major events for the Quel Amour! festival. It all begins with the Opening Festivities that run from 14 to 18 February!

From 14 February to 1 September 2018, culture once again declares  its love for Marseille and Provence!


Find all informations here

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