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Festival de Marseille

Raymond Dikoumé

Author, actor and director Raymond Dikoumé began his career with the RECTA rappers collective where he developed a taste for words and urban poetry. In 2006 he created his urban theatre company DraMad, for which he wrote and directed his first shows.

In 2012 Raymond Dikoumé left for the USA where he trained as an actor and performed on stage. In 2015 he was awarded the SACD/France Télévisions Web-series Prize for Les Contes de la Street. His first novel Confessions d’un acteur déchu was published in 2016. In collaboration with Osman Elkharraz he won the Geneviève Moll biography competition. Between 2016 and 2018, Raymond DIikoumé was artistic director of the Soum-soum Cabaret in Paris where he presented Le Cabaret du Bouge, which was nominated for Best Musical at the Petits Molières.
He moved to Marseille and began experimenting with new marginal forms and teaching at the Moovida acting academy. In 2021 the Maison Antoine Vitez awarded him a prize for his translation of The Colored Museum, a play by George C. Wolfe. He previewed a preliminary version of the same play at the Les Rencontres à l’Echelle festival in Marseille in 2022.

Édition 2023