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Festival de Marseille

2014 Edition

Les Ballets C. de la B.
Jíři Kylián
Ballet National de Marseille
Paul Lightfoot et Sol León
Nederlands Dans Theater 2
Emanuel Gat
Koen Augustijnen
Nathalie Négro (PIANOANDCO)
Rocío Molina
Robyn Orlin
Eli Commins
Alexandros Markeas
Kyle Abraham
Colectivo Carretel
Formation Coline
Josse De Pauw
Hildegard De Vuyst
Alexander Ekman
Yasuyuki Endo
Leonard Eto
Tino Fernández  
Thomas Gunzig
Handspring Puppet Company / William Kentridge
Éric Languet
Manu Riche
Richard Siegal
Vertigo Dance Company


June 19th to July 12th 2014

Find here 2014 programme and press kit