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Festival de Marseille

Retour à Kinshasa



Dieudo Hamadi managed to film, from the inside, movements opposing the regime of Joseph Kabila that were active from 2016 to early 2017 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, risking his life in the process. Kinshasa Makambo shows both their struggle and their powerlessness, providing a portrait of Congolese youth desperate for change and democracy.

Practical information


Duration 60'

Where ?
La Baleine

59 cours Julien , 6e

tel04 13 25 17 17 //


Metro - 2 stop Notre Dame Du Mont

Tram - 2 stop Canebière Garibaldi


Free entrance

Book !


Coproduction ARTE France, Les Films de l’Œil Sauvage, Kiripi Films

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