A winner of prestigious awards, the young London-based dancer and choreographer asserts his ability to transition between different images and feelings. In BLKDOG, he blurs the stage with explosions of sound and rhythm, of bodies and rage, expressing anger, grief for the loss of a loved one and childhood traumas. He unleashes the energy of rebellion through seven versatile performers in ensemble sequences with razor-sharp, unfailingly precise movements. Bent over, paralysed, hovering or shrouded in mist, they move to the ethereal or piercing music of Torben Lars Sylvest, also a member of the Far From the Norm collective. As if on a battlefield, they try to accept the loss of their innocence and fight their inner demons with the determination typical of their youth: with their own vitality, virtuosity and intensity. This blend of hip-hop gestures, contemporary dance and krump is, for Botis Seva, the ideal language with which to address the subject of racial identity: "It’s what every piece I create is about: what does it mean to be a Black artist?"
Botis Seva - Far From The Norm
A rising star on the international hip-hop scene, Botis Seva takes his dancers to a place that is seldom explored by his generation: the loss of innocence. With visceral commitment, they explore dark emotions while keeping the soul of eternal youth alive in an intense piece with multiple aesthetics accompanied by warlike percussion.
Practical information
Duration : 1 h 05
Age : 12 and over
Warning: loud sound and strobe effect
Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
Friche la Belle de Mai
Carsharing available here from June 3