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Festival de Marseille


Dorothée Munyaneza - Cie Kadidi

Marseilles / Kigali
dance music poetry

With umuko, the tree-place, the sacred tree, Dorothée Munyaneza engages in conversation with five artists from the young Rwandan scene. Together, they imagine a celebration based on love, solidarity, and joy through the body, poetry, music, inanga and song.

Thirty years ago, Dorothée Munyaneza left the red ochre soil of her native land and anchored her life elsewhere: in London, Paris, and now Marseille. But she never forgot umuko, the tree that has illuminated her since childhood, constantly returning to her thoughts – so much so that she decided to celebrate it. With five young artists from Rwanda, "a source of inspiration, beauty and delight," she created this performance as a way of returning to her memories. She approaches the source and draws from its communal trunk – umuko, the sacred tree with vermilion flowers –, commemorating it and imagining what it might be like in the future. A symbolic tree for the Rwandan people, an ancestral tree, a healing tree, it is also called umurinzi, “guardian of memory”, and often planted in front of the royal palace. Dancers Yvette Fasha and Abdoul Mujyambere, and performers and musicians Jean Patient Nkubana, Impakanizi, and Michael Makembe, accompany her with their presence, their voices, their songs; they invent new sounds and gestures using ancient instruments such as the inanga. "I lead them towards other temporalities, other tempos. We dig, we root ourselves in the most authentic form of Rwandan culture while displacing it through different music and words."

Practical information

Duration : 1 h 10' 

Age : 10 and over

Where ?
Friche la Belle de Mai

 Carsharing available here from June 3

Entrée 1 : 41, rue Jobin, 3e
Entrée 2 : 12, rue François-Simon, 3e

tel. 04 95 04 95 95 

 Métro - 1, 2 arrêt Saint-Charles 

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp 

 Bus - 49, 56 arrêt Belle de Mai 

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Belle de Mai La Friche

 Vélo station Friche Belle de Mai, parking à vélo dans la Friche

Parking - Parking Le Champ de Mai


Price €10

Book !


Direction artistique : Dorothée Munyaneza

Avec : Jean Patient Nkubana, Impakanizi, Yvette Fasha, Michael Makembe, Abdoul Mujyambere

Lumière : Camille Duchemin

Costumes & accessoires : Stéphanie Coudert, Cedric Mizero, Maximilien Muhawenimana

Musique originale : Jean Patient Nkubana, Impakanizi, Michael Makembe

Régie lumière : Camille Faye

Régie son : Camille Frachet, Aude Besnard

Production : Virginie Dupray - Cie Kadidi, assistée de Nouria Tirou

Coproduction : Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels, Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse, Maison de la danse Lyon - Pôle européen de création, PACT ZollVerein Essen - deSingel Anvers - Tanz im August – HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund - Kaai Theater, Bruxelles - festival Oriente-Occidente, Rovereto

Avec le soutien de l'Institut français du Rwanda et du Goethe-Institut, dans le cadre du Fonds Culturel Franco-Allemand.

Photographies © Jay Kiseki

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