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Festival de Marseille

The festival takes care of the youth

Last February, more than 200 youngsters from 11 different schools, from 2nd grade to highschool, were able to discover contemporary dance through one intense week dedicated to practice. These artistic workshops still go on within the schools.

The students benefited from a series of workshops led by dancers Elias Ardoin from the Hylel company, Marina Gomes and dancer Severine Beauvais - involved in the creation project of the choreographer Aina Alegre-, in the Festival dance studio situated in la Friche la Belle de Mai.

 Today, artists Pablo Jupin, Nolwenn Peterschmitt, Marina Gomes, Anne-Gaëlle Thiriot, Julien Rossin et Julien Dégremont still lead such workshops. They will give a public restitution on the 22nd of may at la Friche la Belle de Mai.


"I think that dance is a way to express yourself, for example if you are sad you can dance, I feel better sometimes when I dance at home." - Anna


"For me, dancing is about showing your emotions, what you feel, through your movements." - Elamine