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Festival de Marseille

Béatrice Pedraza

Béatrice Pedraza combines twenty years’ experience as a stage director with expertise in supporting and training vulnerable people.

A co-founder and director of the association Les Arteliers, for seven years she has developed inclusive theatre workshops highlighting and showcasing the work of disabled artists. For ten years she has run theatre workshops in social and medical organisations. In 2017 she founded the Arthalie Collective and worked for the Atelier de Mars on the development of theatre for the disabled within the association. Arthalie provides a theatre production platform for independent disabled performers.

This experience outside specialist institutions makes them feel less isolated and allows them to take part in the artistic, social and cultural life of the city. Béatrice facilitates this by giving twenty members of the collective the opportunity to take part in public performances where participants discover new spaces for self-expression. The collective is open to all and encourages artistic expression among physically or mentally disabled people. 


Édition 2020 Édition 2021

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