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Festival de Marseille

Fringe Monday

After the “Lundis du QG” at the Bernardines in 2018, we’re branching out this year with “Fringe Monday”. At the heart of the Festival but on the margins of the city, this special day offers a mixture of artistic events and discussions focusing on the relationship between the city, its residents and art.


In 2018, artists Haider Al Timimi, Fatih Devos, Roland Gunst, Samaa Wakeem and Elly Van Eeghem, accompanied by the Vooruit art centre in Ghent, drew from the city’s energy during a five-day residence and enriched the festival’s events programme. They return this year to Plan d’Aou to listen, reflect, propose and create with the people of Marseille. They are joined by local artists who work for and with the city, including Julien Marchaisseau from the Rara Woulib company, and also emerging artists including Clément Papachristou, Nolwenn Peterschmitt, Angie Pict and Nina Villanova, all of whom were members of MarsLab in 2017 and 2018. Artists, visionary urban thinkers and local residents can come and (re)discover their work. A day full of surprises for everyone.


Crédit illustration : Marieke de Munck 

Avec le soutien de la Préfecture déléguée à l’égalité des chances des Bouches-du-Rhône En partenariat avec le Vooruit (Gand), le Théâtre du Merlan, la Gare Franche
Avec la participation du Centre social Grand Saint-Antoine