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Festival de Marseille

Dance workshop

With A.I.M by Kyle Abraham


Come dance with the dancers of the Abraham in Motion company by Kyle Abraham, young choreographer star of the New York scene!

June 12, 2022, let's meet in the middle of Parc Longchamp for a moment of sharing and creative synergy: let your body speak to the wild rhythm of a collective dance! Open to all and led by dancers from the company A.I.M by Kyle Abraham, this outdoor dance workshop was based on the choreographic vocabulary of the show Requiem: Fire in the Air of the Earth: virtuoso, elegant, and explosive.


A.I.M. is a New York-based company that offers a broad spectrum of dance, blending hip-hop and classical ballet techniques.



Sunday June 12 - 5:30 pm

Longchamp Park


Where ?
Parc Longchamp

Boulevard Jardin zoologique, 4e

Métro - 1 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp

Bus - 81 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Vélo - station Flammarion Grobet, 151 Libération

Parking - Saint-Charles 



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