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Festival de Marseille

Open-air workshop with Féroz Sahoulamide


Come and dance with Féroz Sahoulamide, dancer with G.R.O.O.V.E.

Féroz Sahoulamide has worked closely with the choreographer Bintou Dembélé and defines himself as a French-Indian-Vietnamese-Muslim dancer and “image maker”. Born in Djibouti, he grew up in the West Indies and then in France. He came to dance via hip-hop and his approach has been influenced by his travels, the people he has met and the different practices and philosophies he has experienced, together forming a hybrid, “stateless” style of dance.

Where ?
Parc Longchamp

Boulevard Jardin zoologique, 4e

Métro - 1 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp

Bus - 81 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Vélo - station Flammarion Grobet, 151 Libération

Parking - Saint-Charles 



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