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Festival de Marseille

Photographers in residence

Marseille hospitals with the Lova Lova collective

The people whose portraits Lova Lova create are proud and flamboyant. Their portraits reflect the questions they ask and the way they look at a world where cultures meet, mingle and observe one another: a world where identities are in constant flux. Each photo embodies a powerful moment of caring and mutual trust with these willing subjects and immortalises hours of shared intimacy where vulnerabilities are laid bare on both sides. The photographs that the artists intend to create at the Espace Méditerranéen de l’Adolescence will be made in collaboration with a group of patients at the Espace Arthur, a specialist psychiatric unit for teenagers. The greatest challenge of this residential programme-cum-workshop will be to help each of them to appropriate their own image. The portraits will present proud, beautiful, powerful people who wear their vulnerability with pride.
Lova Lova took the photos for the visuals of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 editions of the Festival de Marseille.
Residential programme organised as part of the AP-HM cultural programme ‘Parcours d’hospitalité’.
Sponsored by Région Sud, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur cultural affairs agency and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regional health agency as part of the ‘Culture, Health, Disability and Dependency’ programme.


Practical information

2021 Edition

Rendez-vous at the HQ during the Festival to discover the exhibition of the photos taken!