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Festival de Marseille

(f)riou(l), un opéra maritime

Benjamin Dupé - Comme je l’entends, les productions

music Premiere

Performers on the rocks of Le Frioul, the audience in boats, and music caressing the land and the waves… Composer and director Benjamin Dupé makes nature into a stage and offers a unique experience listening to the voices of the sea and of humans.

From musical theatre in an apartment to opera on a grand stage, from intimate solo performances to immersive installations, Benjamin Dupé enjoys reinventing the concert format and creating new relationships with the audience. Accompanied by an opera singer, an actor and seven musicians, he invites us to share new sensations and to hear music and its profound echoes in one of the most remarkable parts of the Calanques National Park. His maritime opera is an ecological manifesto that draws its poetry from long hours spent on the Riou and Frioul archipelagos off the coast of Marseille, "feeling their unique atmosphere, listening to the soundscape, and observing the play of light and the flight of birds". (F)riou(l) is inspired by the location, its geography and its history, as well as the way humans relate to natural areas. With this new outdoor opera, an elegy to these small Mediterranean islands, the Comme je l'entends company invites us to experience new ways of listening and perceiving.

Coproduction Festival de Marseille, GMEM — Centre national de création musicale de Marseille 

En partenariat avec le Parc national des Calanques et le Conservatoire du littoral, en lien avec les organismes officiels (autorisations en cours)

Practical information

Duration : 1h 

Crossing time : 1 hour for the outward journey, 1 hour for the return journey (3 hours in total)

Age : 14 and over

Subject to favorable marine weather conditions.

The Morgiret calanque is only accessible by sea.

You will be transported from Marseille in small boats from where you will watch the performance (modalities specified when booking).

Where ?
Frioul archipelago

Morgiret's calanque


Price 10€

Book !



Conception, musique et direction artistique : Benjamin Dupé

Livret et dramaturgie, d’après un travail de collectage auprès de spécialistes et d’usagers : Benjamin Dupé

Direction technique : Julien Frénois

Assistanat à la mise en scène : Vérane Kauffmann

Régie de production maritime : Elsa Michon

Avec : Pauline Sikirdji (mezzo-soprano), Pierre Baux (voix), Quatuor Tana (violons, alto, violoncelle), Laurent Mariusse (percussion), Claire Marzullo (flûte), Mathieu Steffanus (clarinette basse)

Coproduction : Comme je l’entends, les productions, Festival de Marseille, GMEM – Centre national de création musicale de Marseille.
En partenariat avec le Conservatoire du littoral et le Parc national des Calanques

Projet lauréat de l’Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt Mondes nouveaux, dans le cadre du programme France Relance 

Avec le soutien du Fonds de Création Lyrique (FCL) de la SACD, et de la Maison de la Musique Contemporaine

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