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Festival de Marseille





The four musicians of 47 Soul break down borders with their electronic music and chants, presenting an original blend of music and “Dabke” dance steps from the Eastern Mediterranean.

Intro to Shamstep, Gamar, Mo Light and Everyland instantly grab your attention. The unmistakeable Arabic Dabke Electro sound of 47 Soul features synthesisers, hypnotic guitar riffs, tabla percussion and the warm voices of the four musicians. Their hypnotic songs in Arabic and English delight audiences in the Arab world and Europe with their celebration of liberty, equality and fraternity. According to BBC World, “47 Soul has crossed a bridge between East and West” since its first album in 2015 and each concert is an invitation to dance.  With their contagious, feverish, trance-like energy and their mixture of languages and musical styles, the group embodies the Palestinian diaspora: diverse, fragmented, and inventive. Their music brings this heritage alive while echoing the fervour of a young generation who imagine a world beyond borders.


Practical information


door opening 19:30


Restauration on site - La Boîte à Sardines


Full price 24€
Concession 20€
Under 26 10€

Under 12 5€

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