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Festival de Marseille

Frédérique Aït-Touati

The stage director and science historian Frédérique Aït-Touati explores the relationship between science, literature and politics. 

In 2004 she created her own company in the UK where she staged plays by Pinter, Tennessee Williams, Sarraute, Racine and Beckett. She was artist in residence at the Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon and the Comédie de Reims from 2011 to 2013 for the Gaïa Global Circus project that toured until 2016 (France, USA, Switzerland, Germany, UK, Canada), and at the Nanterre-Amandiers Theatre in 2014 where, with Bruno Latour et Philippe Quesne, she staged Le Théâtre des négociations-Make it work (2015). The following year she directed combined lectures and performances with Bruno Latour: INSIDE (2016), Moving Earths (2019) and Viral (2021).

Her shows have toured in France, Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada and the US. She is a researcher at the CNRS and has published Contes de la Lune (Gallimard, 2011) and Terra Forma (B42, 2019). She teaches social sciences at the École des Hautes Études and heads the political arts school SPEAP.

Édition 2021

And also...