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Festival de Marseille

Valérie Castan

"My attempt to audio-describe, to translate, to interpret in words what is represented, is as much to describe the composition of an image, as to make the bodies present in the theatrical space feel oral."

Valérie Castan, trained in dance at the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine in Angers in 1986, after a career made up of stage experiences and artistic collaborations, was introduced to audiodescription for the cinema at Esit, Paris-Dauphine with Maryvonne Simoneau, one of the pioneers of film audiodescription in France. Since 2012, she has been developing the writing of audiodescriptions for choreographic shows and has spoken live on about twenty shows. Before the performance, she offers the audience a workshop to physically "cross" certain passages described.

In 2013, she was awarded the Nouvelles Ressources grant from the Centre National de la Danse in Pantin.

In 2013, she described for the Marseille Festival 80 millions de vue Opéra slam - Nathalie Négro/ Eli Commins/Alexandros Markeas

In 2015, she was the winner of the Yves Brieux-Ustaritz grant from the Fondation de France in partnership with the Maison de la Danse in Lyon.

In 2020, the Festival invites her again to describe the show Moun Fou by the company Rara Woulib.

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