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Festival de Marseille

Marina Gomes

Marina Gomes is a hip-hop choreographer. Very active in Marseille, she has developed projects here since 2019 with her company, Hylel, which defends an idea of hip-hop culture indissociable from social and community engagement. Her choreographies reappropriate the image of the city with all its delusions and its theatrical and poetic power.

Marina Gomes started out in hip-hop with the Guilty crew in Toulouse, while at the same  studying ballet and contemporary dance at the city’s Conservatoire. In 2012 she developed her work as a teacher and choreographer by taking part in projects for young dancers run by Fouad Boussouf’s Massala company. In 2017 she took over Fouad Boussouf’s teaching role at the Écoles Municipales Artistiques in Vitry-Sur-Seine. In 2018, she set up the Hylel company, first working in Colombia. From 2019 onwards she developed national and international artistic projects with the company in Marseille. In parallel with her dance career, Marina Gomes has lectured at Le Mirail University in Toulouse and worked as a child protection counsellor for SOS Jeunesse.

Édition 2023